
Established in 1918
Quadrennial Theme:
“Missionaries Boldly Facing New Challenges As We Serve A Changing World.”
Dr. Jacqueline I. Scott
International President
Patron Bishop Charley Hames, Jr

Helena B. Cobb Scholarship: Named for the first Vice President and an educator. Funds are accrued to assist men, women, graduate students and pastors in training with yearly stipends. In 1975, the first four-year higher education scholarship was granted. Since that time, many young women have received scholarships which are presented at the Quadrennial Assembly. Scholarship funds are raised through the local society by having special observances and other activities.
Thelma J. Dudley Missionary Education: Department promotes workshops, seminars, Leadership Institutes, and other special conferences. Affiliates with the National Council of Churches for yearly study guides. Sponsors training sessions at each Executive Board meeting and the Quadrennial Assembly as specified in the Constitution of the Women's Missionary Council.
Organization and Promotion: Department to promote interest in written literature such as the roex replica sale Handbook, and the distribution of written articles from publications sponsored by the Council.
Other Departmental secretaries and chairpersons of Commissions are:
a. Status of Women
b. Fine Arts
c. Mattie E. Coleman, Phylllis H. Bedford and Rossie T. Hollis
d. Christian Social Relations
e. Life Membership
f. Compilation and Statistics
g. Overseas Missions
Standing Committees:
Constitution and Bylaws,
In an effort to reach out and expand our horizons, the Women's Missionary Council affiliates with the following organizations:
National Council of Negro Women: Based in Washington, D.C., advocates and promotes rights for African Americans.
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women: A world-wide affiliate organization of Methodist bodies. Holds a Quinquennium (5 years) and elections of national officers in different sections of the world.
Church Women United: Works and participate with women of all religious denominations.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): Association to promote high ideals for African-Americans.
American Bible Society: Encourages the use of a Bible in every home. Promotes other religious information.
National Council of Churches, USA: Based in New York. Religious organization to further the unity of the church and its people. Has projects to promote unity among all churches and better relations among Christians
Other Global Organizations:
World Council of Churches
World Methodist Council
Bread for the World