
Established in 1918
Quadrennial Theme:
“Missionaries Boldly Facing New Challenges As We Serve A Changing World.”
Dr. Jacqueline I. Scott
International President
Patron Bishop Charley Hames, Jr

Historical Sketch of the Women's Missionary Council
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The Women’s Connectional Council of the Christian Methodist Episcopal church was organized September 7, 1918 at
Capers Chapel CME Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Mattie E. Coleman from Tennessee was elected the first presi-
dent and Mrs. Helena B. Cobb from Georgia was elected vice president.* Other officers elected were: Corresponding
Secretary, Mrs. M. L. Copeland from Kentucky; and Recording Secretary, Mrs. T. H. McKenzie from Alabama. Other
officers appointed by the President and affirmed by the Council were: Assistant Recording Secretary, Mrs. S. L. Helm
from Illinois; and Treasurer – Mrs. Cora L. Nelson from Mississippi. In 1986, the name was changed to the Women’s
Missionary Council of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
The Mission of the Women’s Missionary Council of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is to share the good
news, salvation through Jesus Christ with unsaved men, women, and children at home and abroad by using the process-es and programs outlined in the Bible, the Book of Discipline of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Women’s Missionary Council.
The Women's Missionary Council operates at four (4) levels namely: The Council, the Annual Conference (Region),
the District Conference, and the Local Church under a Constitution ratified by the General Conference and By-Law certified by the Quadrennial Assembly. Information flows downward and each level is organized the same as the Council Level. The Council serves in thirty-two Regions (Annual Conferences) in the United States, seven Regions (Annual Conferences) in Ghana and Nigeria, Africa, and several Regions in Haiti and Jamaica. Since the 2010 General Conference established an 11th Episcopal District in Africa comprising 10 countries; we have extended our Overseas Missions to include these countries.
The Council meets annually for Executive Board (except the year in which the Quadrennial Assembly is held) to hear
reports from the Council’s Officers, the departmental secretaries, and chairmen of committees and commissions. The
first Executive Board was held in 1940. The Quadrennial Assembly is held the last week in June, during which time
the Council Officers, Departmental Secretaries, and Chairpersons are elected for a four year term, with the possibility of serving a maximum of two terms or eight years.
Since 1940, a publication entitled the Missionary Messenger has served as the official organ for the Council. The
Council grows and develops through Institutes, Leadership Schools, and Council Training Programs. The Council is
presently emphasizing: Education, Health Initiative, the relief of Hunger at Home and Abroad, Mentoring, and the
Black Family.
The programs of the WMC are done through three Major divisions with each division having a leader, and departments.
Each department has a leader who is called the “Secretary” of the department. Much of the work is done through these
departments. The Divisions are: Structure, Program, Service and Outreach. The Logo is the wheel. Each officer, de-
partmental chairperson, and secretary of a committee or commission is listed on a spoke.
The Council is affiliated with our sister denominations, the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), the Methodist
Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ). Being ecumenical minded, the Council is affiliated with many national and interna-
tional religious and social organizations including: Church Women United, American Bible Society, Bread for the
World, National Council of Churches, World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, Balm in Gilead, the
National Council of Negro Women, and the NAACP.
Eleven Presidents have led the Council in an outstanding manner, namely: Dr. Mattie E. Coleman( 1918-1939), Mrs.
Rossie T. Hollis (1939-1955), Mrs. E.W.F. Harris (1955-1963), Mrs. Phyllis H. Bedford (1963-1971), Mrs. Pauline B.
Grant (1971-1979), Dr. Thelma Dudley (1979-1987), Dr. Sylvia M. Faulk (1987-1995), Dr. Judith E. Grant (1995-
2003), Dr. Elnora P. Hamb (2003-2011), Dr. Princess Rogers Pegues, (2011– 2019) and Mrs. Jacqueline I. Scott.
(2019—Presently). A Bishop is assigned by the College of Bishop to assist and give spiritual guidance to the Mission-
ary Council. He is known as the Patron Bishop. Presently serving is Bishop James B. Walker.
Officers for 2019—Presently– President– Dr. Jacqueline I. Scott, Vice President- Mrs. Calandra F. Hunter, Record-
ing Secretary - Dr. Theresa Duhart, Assistant Secretary- Mrs. Deborah Dickerson, Treasurer– Dr. Nellie B. King, Editor - Mrs. Geraldine Taylor-Winslett, Immediate Past President– Dr. Princess A. Pegues, Past President - Dr. Elnora P. Hamb, President Emeritus – Dr. Judith E. Grant.
*Six Vice Presidents were elected September 13, 1919 at Thirgood CME Church in Birmingham, AL.